School Overview

The Apang Mahila Mandal Amaravati at Satara runs the residential school, named “SHRI KASAIDEVI CENTRAL PRIMARY AND SECONDARY S.C. RESIDENITAL SCHOOL” Andhari (Phalani) Tal. Jaoli Dist. Satara. The residential school is registered with its office located at Shahupuri, Satara. It is recognized by the Government of India’s Department of Social Justice and Empowerment (Letter No. 11020(13)-19/2012SCD III) and by the Government of Maharashtra (B.C.H.-2010/MAVAK.PAR. KRA. 12/SHIKSHAN 2, Mantralay Mumbai 32, dated March 6, 2012). Additionally, it is recognized by the Maharashtra SSLC Board (Code Medium S-21.01.31, year 2019-20, dated December 16, 2020).
The school provides admissions primarily for the wards of underprivileged children, with a focus on those from backward castes, to promote their education and development. All facilities offered at the school are provided free of cost, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive in a supportive environment.

Director’s Message

Good education is the foundation of good citizenship of the country
Shri. Rajaram Shankar Shelar
Events Carried Out
Every Year

Appeal for Donation
Shri Kasai Devi Residential School primarily serves students who are orphans, come from single-parent households, or are economically disadvantaged. Many of these children are not adequately cared for by their parents due to family challenges.
APANG MAHILA MANDAL AMRAVATI AT SATARA humbly appeals for donations at a personal level, as well as financial assistance in kind or through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of these children. Thank you for considering contributing to their education and well-being.

our Team
See Our Organization Short Documentary Video